Friday, April 25, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things!!

Where do I even begin?
doTERRA has a great little intro kit that comes with three of my favorite doTERRA CPTG® oils Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint in 5ml bottles! It also comes with an introductory audio CD and handy dandy booklet highlighting several different uses of the essential oils. Click here to purchase the Introductory Kit with CD.

With springtime upon us, my allergies are going bananas!!  Luckily, I have my doTERRA Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint on hand to make myself an allergy shot! 2 drops of each as the picture states every couple of hours and I am a happy camper.  The best part...I didn't have to put any kind of medication into my body! Every now and then, I run into someone who isn't a huge fan of doing this as a shot, so they put the drops in a HPMC vegetable capsule and they are good to go!

There are over 100..yup I said 100 uses for these oils and you can check them out over at the doTERRA Blog!! It's amazing how versatile they are, I LOVE these oils!

LEMON- the doTERRA Lemon oil is great for detoxification, strengthening nails, digestive problems, sore throat, odors, disinfectant, cold & flu, allergies and stress!

LAVENDER- the doTERRA Lavender oil is great for DNA repair, sleep aid, calming, burns, cuts, insect bites, allergies, earaches, anxiety, and it stimulates creativity!

PEPPERMINT- the doTERRA Peppermint oil is great for headaches, fever, hot flashes, stomach ache, memory, nausea, shock, increased oxygen!

Click here to sign up for a DoTERRA Wholesale account.

you need any help with the enrollment process or have any questions for me, you can contact me here or at

Click here to purchase the DoTERRA essential oils at retail.

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