About Me!

Hey!!  Thanks for stopping by! My name is Darcie and live in Alaska. I am 32 years old and have a wonderful husband and amazing little boy that I have been blessed to be able to be home with full time.

I got into essential oils because I was wanted to be able to help my family to be healthy, without having to rely on medications with who knows what in them and often times, pretty nasty side effects. I admit, it took me a little while to get into the oils, but once I did, I was hooked!!

Just over 2 years ago, a couple of friends of mine got into doTERRA. I avoided the oils, worrying about the smells and stigma that came along with those. Just wasn't me! I was also concerned because I struggle with migraines, ear infections, strep throat, a general, all around, crappy immune system and I just didn't think the oils would work for me, especially with migraines and the strong scents. 

While I listened to my friends brag about how successful essential oils were with them and their families, I kept my distance.

About once a year I get a moment of "I give up, I will try anything" when I am really sick and so I called my friend Jenny from down the road, who was using the oils daily, and begged her to help me out...make me a magic, oily potion that will cure me on the spot. I know, it was unrealistic and I didn't really understand the oils so I really thought that was going to be it! Jenny showed up at my door step moments later with two bottles, OnGuard and Oregano...my hero!! So I thanked her profusely and waited for her to leave before taking a whiff of both bottles. 

The OnGuard is one of doTERRA's blends and I took a BIG whiff!!  The citrus notes of the wild orange were what hit me first followed by a subtle cinnamon scent..it smelled a little hot and I was a big chicken so I put the cap back on and moved on to the oregano.

Now let me just start by saying that I typically do not like the herb Oregano..shocking right! I don't mind it on a pizza or in spaghetti sauce, but I don't like the strong smell or flavor of it so I will not use it if I am cooking. I took a whiff of the oregano and was unimpressed! It reminded me a lot of the herb that I dislike and I decided that I was going to fight this nasty cold on my own. (Sorry Jenny!) 

Almost $400 later, between the doctor and antibiotics, I was feeling better.The oils went up in a cupboard and out of my mind. 

Two years later...

I am fighting off ANOTHER nasty cold less than a week after getting rid of one before and this time, I had shared with my son and my husband and we were ALL miserable! I could feel it moving into my ears and down into my chest and that is never a good sign for me. Once again, I had reached the point of giving up, willing to try anything to save from another doctors visit, another round of antibiotics when it hit me that I still had the oils that Jenny had given me years before. I decided to do a little research before taking them down again and based on everything I found, I decided to go for it again!  I checked the expiration dates..still good, so I sent Jenny a text asking what I needed to do. I was so impatient that when Jenny didn't respond right away, I messaged another friend who is into doTERRA and in fact is Jenny's doTERRA sponsor...desperate times call for desperate measures right!!

She explained to me what I needed to do and I focused just on using the OnGuard to start. I was diligent in using the oils on my husband and son, and both were feeling a lot better. I was less consistent on myself and found that while I wasn't really feeling any better, I wasn't feeling any worse either...until I ran out!  I lasted about a day before I gave in, signed up for the Wholesale account and ordered more oil right away. Waiting for the mail to come was the longest 3 days of my life and the minute the oils were dropped off, I had the box open and was using them before the mailman was out of our cul-de-sac. 

I love what the oils have done to help my family and the freedom they have given us from OTC and prescription medications and I enjoy sharing my experiences and the information I have with everyone I can! Please feel free to ask my any questions you might have here or at mydailyoils@yahoo.com and I will do my best to answer them! Enjoy!

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